(no subject)

Jan 23, 2005 07:19

WOBBEGONG! i updated................WOO HOO! so the semester is almost over, and now is the time where i struggle with all my work to pass all my classes for this semester. i hope i dont get held back....... that would suck big time. Well Anthony's birthday party was yesterday, i went, hung out with brandon and shawn and jenny english. it was pretty cool, until they started playing yellowcard and for a while it was a room of a bunch of kids singing a dam yellowcard song, so i went into the living room, and BAM! it was all the "cool" kids play halo 2 or some shit (god i hate those games). Then brandon and shawn were moshing outside and brandon's face hit a little tree, and it made his hands bleed...........HAHAH WHAT AN IDIOT! brandon is probably waiting outside my house right now with a bazooka and a chizel...... i dont know what the chizel is for, its probably to satisfy his sexual urges, last night at the party he kept talking about shoving a hot piece of iron in his pee hole or something.... maybe hes moved on to chizels! ahahaha. well not much else to say, so im going now. peace out niggarachi's, later masturbaters!
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