update.....like whoa

Aug 01, 2004 17:36

yeah so im finally back from north carolina
and for all you people who didnt know i went on this church mission trip for a week too north carolina.....
yeah it was pretty cool
on saturday we all left from st pats and yeah me and ash sat next 2 each other but then me and jessica sat next 2 each other then i ended up sitting next 2 adam somehow
yeah and then i slept on the ground for a little while and yeah at 430 a.m. our bus was getting fuel and it tottaly broke a fuel line so we were stuck there for 2 hours and it was sun up when we left at 630.........yeahhhhhhhh so we got 2 the dorm around 330 pm i think......then we did the whole dinner thing and yeah me and ash put all outr crap in the room and yeah later that nite we all danced or something like that...and then we all hung around till like 1030 which was in rooms time and then 1100 was lights out but me and ash stayed up and we were like yellign really loud and we got in trouble....haha
on monday we went 2 the work site in THE JESUS MOBILE........HAHA gooooooood times
and yeah that night we ate dinner and then we ahd bible study and yeah then we hung out again....
on tuesday there was a sports banquet at the mess hall thing so we ahd 2 walk like 1/2 mile 2 get 2 our breakfast/dinner place which sucked.....but yeah we went 2 the beach that nite which was awesome....! got a bunch of shells and it was soo beautiful there
after that we went back 2 the dorm and yeah went 2 sleep

on wednesday......
yeah me and ash got put on site one work site but the big prohject fell through and yeah we got stuck polishing pews in the church........which sucked but yeah i got 2 know jackie better which was cool
yeah i fell asleep in the church.....and in the church classrooms and then in thd church lobby and then i fell asleep in the churhc again.
on thursday.......
rain!!!! so we didnt go 2 work
me ash and patrick threw all the water in this huge ass puddle which was funny
haha megan then told me that a tree tried 2 rape me...haha
some people volunteered 2 go 2 the 3rd worksite 2 finish up the work there.......i didnt go tho....
everyone else went 2 downtown wilmington....cape fear....and yeha i soooo almost met chad michel murrey there cuz they use one of the cafes there 2 film one tree hill
i was mad cuz carly and sarah and brianna and kelli met them and got pics with some of them and they saw chad.........
yeah i bought candy that was shaped like legos......and this old lady yelled at me machieh adam and ash for looking for vitage emo clothes....ask me and ill terll u the story haha....
yeah so on friday we packed up and went 2 a battleship tour which was "ok".......jp adam machiech adam me and ash and lucus were in group......i had the emo glasses haha....yeah and then we went 2 the beach and i got a huge sunburn on my back.......ahhhhhhh
then after that we all got back ont he bus and me and ash sta by each other which was coooool
yeah so we had 2 write these little notes 2 each other......yeah
and yeah we got three people into 2 seats.......it was me adn ash and jackie was on top
i had no pillow so i improvised.....use jackie as a pillow!
yeah sooooo i gopt like 30 affirmations which was coooool
yeah so now im home again and my moma nd sis r going 2 south carolina for a week and my dad will be at work so i will be bored during the day so call me up 2 do something!

and yeah right now i am crying
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