So Trek fandom is just over a year old (time flies, amirite?) and I don't know about you guys but the one thing I know I'd love to see more of floating around this fandom is podfic. So here's a comm entirely devoted to the pursuit of finding and collecting awesome podfic for all the awesome fic hanging out in our fandom. Any kind of podfic is welcome here-- any genre, any rating, any anything as long as it contains reboot characters (or actors, for RPF).
The guidelines are on the userinfo, but just in case, I'll repost 'em here.
- Be excellent to each other. No flaming anyone's choice of fic or the job they did reading it.
- Please only post your own podfic (meaning stories you recorded yourself, or podfic of stories you wrote) unless you have the permission of the person who recorded it to link it around.
- Use the tag system. If you need a tag that's not there, use !needatag and say in the post what tag you'd like added.
- When you post, if you have a link to the actual fic, please post it as well. That way the authors can get some love too. :)
- If you're posting more than one podfic in a post, please put everything after the first header behind an lj cut.
When posting, please title your posts "TITLE (PAIRING, RATING, RUNNING TIME)" and use the following header template :
Title : Title Written by :Read by :Running Time :Rating :Characters/Pairings :Summary : Download : PART 1 |
PART 2 (etc, if necessary)
And let this post also serve as the FAQ. If anything's unclear or you have questions about any aspect of the process, drop 'em here.