Author Amnesty

Aug 25, 2010 19:50

So a while ago I was asked about putting up a post where Trek authors could give amnesty for any of their fics to be podficced at any time without permission, and I'm just getting around to it now (real life's a bitch, what can I say, lol).

SO. Authors, if you want to give amnesty to your fics (all fics, certain fics, however you want to delineate) please do so in this post. Just post a statement saying you give your permission; include a link to your fic masterlist(s) if you want, and be as general or specific as you like.

Please post your username (or the name you publish your Trek fic under) as the subject of the comment, so it's easier for those sifting through the post. I'll also try to maintain a list at the end of this post, updated as often as I can, with who's given total or partial amnesty to their fics.

Thanks everyone, and I am so hoping to see more activity on this comm-- and to generate some more podfic myself, because now that I've started, it's kind of addicting! :D

♥ emily

Total Amnesty

Partial Amnesty (read comments)
none yet :)

!mod, !author amnesty

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