
Jun 01, 2009 22:24

In case you haven't noticed. I've started writing for Buffalo's Examiner.com. The website has "city" sites of places all over the US.

Basically Examiner.com just opened up their "Buffalo" city version & they are still looking for writers for a lot of different topics in various categories. Weekly they ask you to on average write 3-4 articles, 150 words or more. You actually earn money by promoting your page/articles and the traffic generated to your articles.

You can apply on the site & learn more by going to Examiner.com or even my page at http://www.examiner.com/x-12312-Buffalo-Concerts-Examiner. If you do end up applying to write any of the sections, please select me (Leah Falkowski) as the examiner that referred you (or by my examiner number #12312).

There are so many topics open in every city still. & you can also make up your own topic (Twilight examiner, Harry Potter examiner etc...) Go check out the website & if it is something you are interested in, it won't hurt to apply!

I mean, I've written two articles on bands playing Kiss the Summer Hello (http://www.examiner.com/x-12312-Buffalo-Concerts-Examiner~y2009m5d29-Kiss-The-Summer-Hello-with-The-White-Tie-Affairhttp://www.examiner.com/x-12312-Buffalo-Concerts-Examiner~y2009m5d29-3OH3-will-Kiss-the-Summer-Hello-on-June-3rd ) & one featuring Kevin Devine (http://www.examiner.com/x-12312-Buffalo-Concerts-Examiner~y2009m5d29-The-Brothers-Blood-Tour-feat-Kevin-Devine--concert-preview ). It's pretty much open ended, you get out of it what you put in...

I decided to do it because I could use it on my resume/get back into my writing and in turn promote my photography. :) It's perfect for people that like writing & have other things to promote within their topics, since I'm the concert examiner I can promote my friends when they are coming into town, haha. It's a win win situation and I can earn a little bit of money while I'm at it.

So if you have any more questions, let me know. & let me know if you do apply & what you apply for :) (& don't forget to say that I referred you please!)

xoxo audio love :)
- leah falkowski
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