Hi all!
I know it has been quiet around here of late, but I do like to check in from time to time and I'm glad I did tonight. While browsing some of the recent posts, this song came in to my head and I remembered how utterly fantastic it actually is.
Ok, I do realise that was a pretty useless description but the song to which I refer is "Dadaughter" by Matzak.
As far as I can tell, it's a french dj who remixes songs, but who has an album - Life Beginnings - which you can see
here at Amazon The song itself is an electronic piece which is about 6/7 minutes long. It is basically music to listen to whilst a) driving cross country or b) studying on a rainy day. For me, it holds such vivid memories of studying for final exams 2 years ago...sitting for hours on end in the library with my ipod on. When I hear it now I can honestly feel every emotion I felt during that time period (had some stuff going on in my personal life which interfered with my studying). It's overwhelming.
But, of course, queue tonight when I realised I wanted NEEDED to get people's opinions on it...I stumbled across the video which was even more adorable than the song! I'm not usually partial to these kinds of videos, but I do think this one suits the song to a tee:
Enjoy the video:
Click to view
Download the song
hereEnjoy and PLEASE tell me what you think (: