May 13, 2005 22:34
well today started fucked up..i woke up super late..when i finally got to school i just walked in the school to go to the office to get a slip then mrs.crane was like ..well your unexcused..i wasnt even gonna argue with her..well when i finally did get into the office i seen jessica :) sittin in the office..i wanted to go rite by her and start talking but i figured i would get in trouble cuz anouncements were on..i smiled at her..hoping she knew what i ment at least she smiled back..throughout the school was surprised not alot of people said something to me cuz i wore my red atreyu shirt o well..sportin my new style hahaha B)..the whole day felt like i spent wth stephanie,larry,zech,olivia..idk it was just wierd.. when school finally got practice was i got a lil hangout time..i walked out saw JESSICA AGAIN!! i seen her on the glimpse of my eye..i said hello and thought she was comin up so i waited close to the door but she must of walked away or something..idk stephanie was talking to me at the same time..i was supposed to go to the mall with stephanie and other people..i couldnt becuase my parents made me go with them to shop for 3 freakin friday was much for friday 13th..rite now im just bein lazy waiting for people to talk to..o well..i dont have a clue what im doin for my relationship life...i got 2 people on mind..but nvm that..IF ANYONE WANS TO DO SOMETHING TOMARROW PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!!! o and i found out that i can sound exactly like brandon dicamillo when he sings mustard man and all that shit and when he uses his rake yohn voice..haha