Hillary Clinton

May 08, 2008 12:36

Why Hillary Clinton is still in the Democratic race is absolutely beyond me. All the rhetoric in the world on the issue is completely irrelevent considering the fact that, mathematically speaking, it is impossible for her to win the nomination unless she somehow gets 72% of the remaining popular vote AND 69% of the superdelegate vote. To date, Obama has a 700,000 vote lead in the popular vote. Even with the votes lost from Michigan (Obama wasn't even on that ballot) and Florida included (those two states lost their delegates for violating party rules on primary dates), Hilary is still 87,000 votes behind Obama. So, for Hilary to win the nomination, she has to change the fact that she needs to get 72% of the remaining votes when she has only received 47.3% of the votes thus far. It's flat out not going to happen.

So, why is she still in the running? She mathematically cannot win the nomination but is still fighting tooth and nail to defeat the inevitable. The only plausible outcome of this fight that's already over is that when Obama wins the nomination, McCain will reap the benefits of the negative campaign Hilary's been running. Is it really any surprise that Rush Limbaugh endorsed Hilary Clinton? Every second Hilary stays in this race, the Republicans are that much closer to winning the '08 election simply through the Democratic party's internal fighting.

If you want to do the math yourself, go here: http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/02/29/delegate.counter/index.html and play around with the numbers. It's just simply not possible for her to win unless she somehow can somehow gain an additional 20% of the remaining Democratic popular vote in the next 3 weeks. It's just not going to happen.

I pulled my numbers from here: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2008/president/democratic_vote_count.html

And just for a bit of added irony, when I went to the CNN delegate counter thing, an ad for Hilary was what loaded for the right side banner ad.
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