Tagged by Joelledirty

Nov 06, 2008 20:09

a) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

b) Tag 4 people (or as many as you feel like) to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. What's your internet alias and what's the idea behind it?
Audiblecell--Im shy...at times its been hard for me to speak...

2. What do you do first in the morning?
Hit snooze half a dozen times and then pee like a race horse

3. Which artist or musician ate most of your brain?
Ohgr and Cevin of Skinny Puppy. I hear one beat of any of their songs and I am transported to the dance floor even if I am mid conversation...sorry to interrupt.

4. What is your favorite smell?
My man.

5. What videogames are you playing at the moment?
Im doing a meme...no games baby...its the truth!

6. What would you eat the most, if money wasn't an issue?
Im going to have to agree with Joelle...Anything from Harvest Vine.

7. Do you trust easily?
Im a sucker

8. What was your first big artistic obsession?
Shoes...John Fluevog

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
The idiot Republicans that are flippantly talking about killing the President.

10. Do you have a good body-image?
Not so much lately. Ive put on ALOT of weight...but Im loved so Im ok with it...what goes up must come down.

11. Is being tagged fun?
Its a time suck

12. What websites do you visit daily?
LJ, facebook, myspace, gmail

13. Do you like to dress down?
Not really, but Im kind of out of choices right now.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
A beautiful, kind, fancy, creative, loyal friend.

15. What’s the last song you didn't mind getting stuck in your head?
Massive Attack- Live with Me

16. What’s your favorite item of clothing past or present?
Any of my latex.

17. What's better: to give or to receive?
I'm a giver.

18. What would you buy if you had unlimited resources?
A big Seattle loft, a vacation home in France, a couple of around the world tickets. (This is why Joelle and I get along so well)

19. What would be your perfect day?
Finding out Ive won the lottery :)

20. What should you be doing right now?

21. What personality trait do you wish everyone possessed?
Glass half full mentality

I tag animaeruption dreina domichan intrepid_reason 
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