Title: Paradise
jewel_songFandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Word Count: 156
Comments: Written for
theavatar100, Challenge #43: Sacrifice. This is one of my favorites, I think.
She looks at him, and knows that she must do this. It is what is expected of her. It is her duty.
Blood pounds in her ears as she recalls his words to her the night before. Her chest tightens and her throat burns at the memory of him.
You would throw away your own happiness for this?
I would.
For the short-lived joy of the people?
This won’t last forever, Katara. You know that.
I know. I know.
This is only a temporary solution to the problem! There will be peace for a short while, but only until the hatred rekindles! This won’t change anything!
“But this is the only thing I can give them,” she whispers; quiet enough so that her companion does not hear her. Katara pushes the memory of heated kisses and golden eyes out of her mind as she presses her lips to Aang’s and soothes her mind with lies.
:: “I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everyone”.- Bill Cosby ::
Because I needed to write something after that new episode... ;_;
katara_zuko, and
FF.Net - Just Take A Moment