Apr 29, 2004 17:18
Just cuz Dani said to...
Hey everyone!!!
My name is Erin and I'm from North Palm Beach.
I'm a HUGE Audible fan. They are the greatest.
I most definently don't remember when I 1st saw them, considering I've been going to shows since I was 14. (4 years ago)
I do know that I didn't recognize Nicho when he cut all of his hair off and bleached it. I always remember him being the silent one. I was soon proved wrong. Heh
Me and my friend Kristin conned the guys into coming to Denny's with us after a show one night. Rossi drunk = a baaaaad idea. Ha!!
I was sooo lucky this past March to have these guys play my birthday party. If anyone has been to the website lately, I'm the Erin on their tour diary.
They were AMAZING. As usual.
Threw down at my kegger afterwards.
Jamen, I have pictures of you and meeeeee <3
Thanx again guys!!!
Anyways guys, keep the vibe alive and keep rockin.
Catch ya later.
<3 * erin