Title: Something To Come Home To
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy (slow building)
Warnings: Bones has a dirty mouth. So does Kirk.
Summary: A connection between two people forms by degrees. Love is measured by how much you can help a person and how much a person heals you in return.
Notes: Post-It Verse AU! Takes place about 20 minutes into the future
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(And also: I. Love. This. Verse.
It's hard to come up with the sophisticated wordings when I read this goodness at lateish hours and have sleepies. But to nutshell it, which is a gross injustice to fourteen amazing journeys, and one to top 'em all off still pending:
The down-to-earth (no pun intended, snerk) -ness of this story is...endearing. Everyman. Identifiable. Romantic, in a soft, but not gooshy way. Though the towel shampoo goosh is totally awesome and a half, of course.
The characterization. Jim being lost, happy, then found, and really happy. Quietly happy, but the kind of happy that makes you grin all stupid because your insides are all glowy and shit.
McCoy for being who he is--a shitty father who doubts, who's brought out of his gruff shell, kind of, and is shown who he is. Shown that his daughter loves him for who he is, and he doesn't need to change. Of course, big thanks to Jim for *showing* McCoy he does in fact possess gumption.
Jocelyn for being real.
Joanna for being an icing-thief cutiepie and more, but zzzz time.
Very humbled that you enjoyed the extremely off-the-cuff suggestion... :)
Lateish hours and having sleepies definitely limit sophisticated wordings, but I loved your comment regardless. :D
I'm glad that you found it identifiable/everyman. I wasn't necessarily trying for that, but I always enjoy books/movies that are created in that manner, so that's a high compliment.
And I really want to thank you for how you characterized the different characters. Especially for saying that Jocelyn is real. So many people try to make her out to be this horrible woman. And yes, she is pretty horrible to McCoy, she's not that bad of a person. She is, as you said, real. I wanted to illustrate that with her snarky attitude to McCoy paired with her absolute love for her daughter. So yes. The fact that you liked how "real" she was is very gratifying for me.
Thanks again for commenting!
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