Feb 14, 2006 01:08
All it takes for me to write on here is a paper due tomorrow. I already watched ¡Mira quién baila! until 1 am to see who the winner would be and now I'm writing instead of, well, writing.
Sooooo triste that my Pablo Martín did not win tonight. Ok, so David was the better dancer over all and that's why he got most of the votes, but Pablo danced better TONIGHT than David. I guess the overall better dancer should win... Whatever.
So I woke up at like 1 on Sunday and by 2 I got some breakfast and was watching tv and guess what was on! Most Extreme Challenge! That show where asians do crazy challenges and it's just funny because they fall off logs and run into walls. Well, I realized as I understood none of the Spanish commentary that the show is funny solely because those people are doing crazy stupid stuff. You don't watch and laugh at the stupid commentary, you watch and laugh as the dude tries to step on a log and the log gives out underneath him and he falls in the water. Or you laugh as the dude tries to hold onto the giant spinning mushroom. So I thought it was pretty sweet that it was on here.
Wow, it's Valentine's Day here already...1 am...might want to start that paper. Too bad more classes start tomorrow, on V-day. I don't even care about V-day, but it doesn't seem like classes should just start on a Tuesday...Spain is rough, as Lindsey would say. That last lj entry, it was hers. Our lives are like identical so I cut and pasted to see if she'd notice. Well, she didn't. Whatever Lindsey, whatever.
I just want to go to sleep. The class isn't until 3... But I have to go to 4 complutense classes instead of 2 because what if there are more than 5 Americans in the class??? OH NO! We're Spanish, we can only allow 5 Americans in our classes. So I have to go to an 11:30 that I don't want to take, my 3:00 cine class and turn in a paper and watch another movie, and a 4:30 class, in another building that starts when my cine class ends... Then I supposedly teach my English class tomorrow at 7:30 so I have to find time to go get a confirmation that I'm still doing it and make a lesson plan. Spain really is rough.
The movie I saw, La vida secreta de las palabras, (the secret life of words) was actually a pretty good movie. I made an outline of my paper and I saw the movie dubbed over in Spanish and in English so I should have no problem popping out a 2 pg MAX paper...but this class isn't real, right? This is Spain!
Ok, going to do it.
Send me mail. Real mail. It'll cost you like a dollar. Haul your ass to the post office and do it. I'll send something back, I promise.
Hearts and smiles and hugs and chocolate to all on this day of lovers as we like to call it here. Seeing people make out on the metro hardcore tomorrow is gonna make me vomit.