Nov 01, 2004 17:41
It's been such a tough day today.
My other best friend left yesterday. This was probably the hardest goodbye I've ever had, partially because she cried with me, but mostly because I'm afriad I may never see her again. Losing contact isn't a concern, we've already talked three times today, the hard part is knowing that she won't be around to run up and down the halls at work, to cook dinner with, to watch CSI, to drink margaritas, to shop with or just to lay around and laugh endlessly....
I honestly believe that the best measure of friendship is how much better of a person you become thanks to the company of the friend that you keep.
There's no reason to tell you how much you changed me Krys, cause you already know. I'm a much different person than I was even six months ago, and I wouldn't change that for anything. You taught me how to learn, to stand up for myself, to give up everything else and have a good time, and mostly how to let go and never look back.
You absolutely mean the world to me. Please know that I'll miss you every day.
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel.
Let's re-write an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror.