Jul 25, 2007 22:18
Name: shanna
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 3
Eye Color: blue
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Height: 5'3 1/2
What brands are you wearing? old navy, ae, victorias secret
Workout clothes? shorts and a t
Where do you live? holliston
Favorite Number: 7 and 3
Favorite Drink: water
Favorite Month: june prolly
Favorite Breakfast: coffee at dunkies
**********Have You Ever*****************
Love/Liked someone so much it made you cry? yea
Broken a bone: nope
Been in a police car: nope
Been on a plane: yes
Came close to dying: kinda..if you consider driving around a rotary in the wrong direction life threatening
Fallen asleep in school: in college a LOT high school a LOT senior yr
Broken someone's heart: i was told i did at the time not so sure if she feels the same way now
Cried when someone died: of course
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: not really
Saved emails: duhhhh
Been cheated on: yea
***********What is-****************
Your room like: colorful and bright and airy
Whats right beside you? closet to my right, bed to my left, tons of shit on my desk
Thing you last ate? little 100 calorie bag of cookies
--------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------
Chicken pox: weirddd i was just talkin bout them today randomly
Sore throat: duh
Stitches: nopeee
-------------------------Do You------------------------------------
Do you believe in love at first sight? not love defff lust though
Like picnics: havent been on one since i was little but yeaaa prolly
Like school: i would if i didnt have to do work and i could just learn things and hang out with my friends and work a little
Who was the last person you danced with? probably my biff ha
Who makes you smile: my friends and my little brother and my nephew
Did you last yell at? my bro jokingly
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? when driving or when i cant see the tv haha
Do you like yourself? for the most part but got some work to do
What are you listening to right now? howie days live cover of wonderwall
What did you do today? got up, left for work at 730, worked, came home ate dinner played on the comp, smoked w/some kids, ate some food, sat here
Hated someone in your family?: nah maybe temporarily haha
What car do you wish to have: a NEW honda accord coupe in black probably i dunno if they have hybrids but that would be cool
Good singer: mm im gonna go with justin
Diamond or pearl? diamonds are you fucking kidding
Are you oldest? no
Indoors or outdoors? outdoors
----------------------------Today did you------------------------------
1. Talk to someone you like? yea i likeee my friends a lot
3. Get sick? felt like shit but didnt actually get sick
4. Sing: haha duhh
5. Talked to an ex: yea
6. Miss someone: yup
-----------------------Last person who---------------------------
7. Was in your bed(besides you): in my bed..nicole probly but i think chelle mightve curled up in there once
8. You talked to on the phone? nik
9.who u last drove with? caillen
10. Went to the movies with you? caillen and stace
11. You went to the mall with: my biff :)
18. Been to Mexico : that so doesnt go under "last person who" but yes i have
20. Been to south Africa: nah
21. Do you have a crush on someone: dont think so, maybe a lingering one..except yea i kinda have a crush on fabio @ my work haha
22. What books are you reading right now? none :(
23. Best feeling in the world? having everything done
24. Future kids names? dunno ill prolly end up adopting
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope
26. What's under your bed: a box w/clothes and some bags and shit
Favorite sport to watch? baseball duhh
32. Who do you really hate? the pres and certain people who have done my friends wrong
33. Do you have a job: yup
35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? haha yes
37. Are you lonely right now: nah im good
200: My Middle name is
199. I was born in:
198. I am really:
197. My cell phone company is:
t mobile
196. My eye color is:
194. My ring size is:
small as hell ha
193. My height is:
5' 3 1/2
192. I am allergic to:
some seasonal stuff, your mom
191. I was born at:
12 something
190. I am annoyed by:
my messy room and my inability to do work
189. Last book you read:
the life of a slave girl for a class @ school ha
188. My bed is:
horrendous and untucked
187: One thing you hate about yourself:
my ethic when it comes to schoolwork
179. My favorite Holiday is:
christmas, thanksgiving
178. The perfect kiss is:
spontaneous and passionate..yea ima 2nd nadia on that one
177. The last three cd's I bought were:
couldnt tell you i dont buy them anymore
175. Are you living at home?:
174. Do you have any siblings?:
173. Are your parents divorced?:
170. What did you do yesterday?:
went to work, smoked with pete, ate dinner, smoked with caillen, went to bed
:::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::
142. Love at first sight?
141. Luck?
140. Fate?
kind of yea
139. Yourself?
when it comes to most things
138. Aliens?
not sure
137. Heaven?
jury is still out
136. Hell?
135. Ghosts?
134. Horoscopes?
absolutely mine are so accurate
133. Soulmates?
im not sure
:::Which is Better?:::
129. Hugs or Kisses:
128. Drunk or High:
either or both..both is best
126. Red heads or Black haired:
125. Blondes or Brunettes:
124. Hot or cold:
123. Summer or winter:
121. Chocolate or vanilla:
120. Night or Day:
119. Oranges or Apples:
mm both
118. Curly or Straight hair:
eitherrrr but i love my curly hair.
:::Here's What I Think About:::
116. Abortion:
wouldnt personally do it but i give the choice to the woman who is pregnant and the father of the child if the circumstances say he should
115. Backstabbers:
suckkk obviously haha
114. Parents:
are hard to live with and hard to live without
:::Last time I:::
103. Hugged someone:
joe on whatever day that was
102. Had food:
couple minutes ago haha
101. Seen someone I hadn't seen in awhile:
saw nadia couple weeks ago :)
99. Grew:
no fucking clue but i wish i could get another inch or something so i would get skinnier haha
90. who is the ditziest person I know
89. Who makes you laugh the most::
petey and my biff and joe and caillen and paul and beth
87. The last movie I saw:
82. What I don't understand is:
my EMOTIONS lately i think im losing my shit
80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received is:
not gonna go there w/the worst answer
76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is:
my bed and my room when its clean and the kitchen and my house and deck and GOOD FOOD
75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most?:
working with kids at some point in my future hopefully when i go back to school
74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is:
fucking doing work
73. Tomorrow:
same shit as usual and maybe going shopping
72. Today:
get up so fucking early go to work get home eat dinner smoke sit here
71. Next Summer:
wash rinse repeat
70. This Weekend:
dinner on friday maybe other shit i have no idea cleaning my car may be in my future
67. People call me:
lots of shit
62. The person who knows the most about me is:
caillen and my biff
60. The most difficult thing to do is:
hold back
59. i have gotten a speeding ticket:
3 times i think maybe 4
56. My zodiac sign is:
55. The first person i talked to today was:
a lady who held the door for me when i went into work. i said thank you. haha
54. First time you had a crush:
a real life crush? kindergarten maybe
53. The one person who i can't hide things from:
52. Last time someone said something you were thinking?
i dunno my biff does that a lot
51. Right now I am talking to:
50. What is your dream job?:
im not exactly sure yet
49. First real job?:
stop and shop
48. I have/will get a job:
working with kids
47. I have these pets:
mookie <33333333333333333333
46. I hope/wish:
that i could get all this fucking work done and not have any more trouble w/school
45. The worst sound in the world:
kids who are sad crying..not the annoying ones.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is:
no person in particular on a regular basis
43. Best sound in the world:
def kids laughing. another good one by nadia.
39. Person[s] that makes you happy:
friends, family, random nice people
33. My favorite piece of clothing:
hmm black polo..my ae shorts..my black sweatshirt..my black bra..and this red/pink pair of undies
31. Last time I cried:
few days ago ithink? maybe a week? i dunno
30. My friends are:
amazing and funny and unforgettable
29. My computer is:
28. The school I go to is:
27. Last person i got mad at:
i dont know
22. The all-time best movie is:
hmm. love and basketball, waterboy, big daddy, mean girls, mystic river, capote, PRIMEEE
21. The all-time best feeling in the world is:
laughing until you lose ur breath and cant stop laughing..another good one nadiaaa
17. I lose all respect for people who:
lie and are dicks
16. The movies I have cried at are:
so fucking many
14. TV channels you watch:
cbs, food, hgtv, nick(for fresh prince @ night), bravo, tlc, fox, nesn of course
13. Favorite web site:
12. I like/ love:
nice weather and being around funny people
11. The worst pain I was ever in was:
now why would you want me to recount that?
10. My favorite word is:
9. My room is:
horrendous and bursting with shit
8. My favorite celebrity is:
lindsay, eva mendez, adam sandler
5. My weakness is:
you tell me. please.
4. What i like about the opposite sex is:
theyre wicked fun
3. Who broke your heart:
we all know the story, who cares
2. One thing that makes you happy:
1. Doesn't exist?