[Fanfic] Dreams

Dec 27, 2011 13:44

Title: Dreams
Pairing: Blohyuk
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, Angst, Romance
Length: One-shot, 882 words.
Summary: Do you remember what happened in that dream? -I have no idea.
Dedicated to: sujuhigh

“I’ve been dreaming the same dream every night.”

“Do you remember what happened in that dream?”

“I have no idea.”



Was it Grade four? I couldn’t recall. There was this person whom I called ‘hyung’ at. He was probably a few years older than me. We used to sleep together in an abandoned wooden storage room at the beach.

“What are you doing here?” I turned back after a slight shudder. “Aren’t you cold?”

The slightly thick broken tree branch was still in my hand, drawing through the soft sand of the winter.

“Here’s warmer… than home.” I responded without any slight emotion.

It took him three steps to squat beside me.

“Brat, this is my territory.”

“Sorry but, treat me as transparent… please?”

“I can’t.”


“Because you’re not?”



“What’s your name?” He invited me into his ‘home’ and offered me some hot milk.

“Lee Hyukjae.”


I didn’t bother asking his name.

“So why didn’t you want to go home?” He didn’t bother telling me too.

“It’s terrifying.”


“Furniture would fly across everywhere in the house in every minute.”

“Seriously…” He was probably thinking if I was exaggerating things when I watched too many animations on the television.

“My dad… no. He’s a demon.” I breathed and heaved a sigh. “He’s violent towards my mum and I. Whenever things don’t go in his way at work, or at home, he’d vent his dismay on us. Even I can say it now - when I happen to ever get back home again, I’ll be beaten up.”

Finding it too implausible to accept everything, he looked into my eyes, unconvinced.

“You don’t buy that?”

“Nope, I don’t find any reason to doubt you. Moreover you’re still a kid.”

“Shall I show you the bruises?”

“Uh, no. Finish up your milk. It’s getting cold.”


He allowed me to stay with him as far as the time he couldn’t stay there anymore. The storage was too old and timeworn. It may collapse anytime. And so, we parted.

I had no choice but to go home. It was about a month that I’ve left home; when I got home, my dad was gone.

“Your dad left.”

And I thought this was the start of my little humble happiness.


“Hyukjae, greet him - he’s your stepfather.”

I bowed to him and he tried to show me the angelic smile of his.

“Let’s get along, okay?” He grabbed my hands and brushed them lightly.

For some reason, I shivered as if my blood was quivering in my vessels. To be honest, the feeling was macabre.


It was the fifteenth time of the day that I’d buried my head inside the toilet bowl. Vomiting wasn’t even my hobby.

I was in my last year of middle school then. For the past two years, I’d been sexually abused by him - doing blowjobs, having sex and all sorts of disgusting stuff. Whenever I looked at myself into the mirror, I felt disgusted and the nauseating feels just shot up into my brain; so antagonising that I couldn’t even sleep well. Months after my mother learnt about that, they divorced. And she didn’t look at me in the same way ever again. When I went back to the beach, the storage room was gone.



“I’d been dreaming weird dreams, but I’m sure that they weren’t nightmares. Just dreams that deter me from sleeping. I couldn’t recall what the dreams were about - they were all the same.”

“Okay,” The psychologist responded before he turned back and grabbed a sketchpad with a pencil. “Close your eyes for five seconds. Draw whatever you visualise here after that.” He passed the sketchpad and the pencil to me.

I did what as told. He studied my drawing and looked at me for a couple of seconds.

“Our session will end here for today.”

“Is there something wrong with my drawing?”

“Nope, get some good rest. I’ll prescribe you some pills.”


A week later I had my second session.

“Dr. Lee,” I shoved my hands into the pockets of my coat. “Why are we here?”

“Isn’t this the scene you drew?”

“Yeah,” I looked around. “But how did you know it’s here.”

“I used to stay in this wooden room.” He showed me my drawing and pointed at the old wooden storage room I drew, the tiny window showing silhouettes of two - one slightly taller than the other one.”

Nothing inside could reach out to his ears. I was dumbstruck.

“So what happened to your dad?”

“He left. But another came. And I got sexually abused everyday. But now he’s gone, too.”

He moved towards me, trying to touch my shoulder cautiously.

“Hyukjae,” He grabbed me gently. “Do you want to stay with me… again?”


Hyung, I think I remembered what my dream was about. That night before we decided to part, your thumb pressed onto my cheeks gently, rubbing off my tears. You caressed me into your embrace and you pecked on my forehead. With an ‘I’m sorry’, your tears fell onto my bare skin. It was snowing outside and we were providing each other warmth that we both always needed. Hyung, maybe just a little, even if it’s just a little, can you give me your warmth, again?

A/n: Yes I'm working now and guess what - since 0830 until now I've been reading fics, saving hyukpicts and writing this shit which is supposed to be a xmas fic and now boxing day has even ended oh I don't even. But sobs val please forgive me T_T /pathetically shoves this blohyuk to you.

fanfic: one-shot | tragedy/angst, fandom: eunhyuk, fandom: super junior, fandom: tablo

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