Midwestern Gal

Oct 02, 2005 13:25

I'm a simple girl. I want what everyone else wants. To be loved. That isn't that simple in the scheme of things. Without trust, there can be no love. I'm finding that I am trusting less and less these days. I don't want it to be that way, but I don't know what to do about it all. Since Labor day weekend, my life has been turned upside down, and I don't think I am right side up yet.
I met a boy. Sean is his name, friends of all, Jessica's old crush..... Of course he takes a liking to me, and I do the same and despite any problems that would occur between Jess and I we are willing to give it a shot, or so I thought. What follows is strange phone calls from women telling me to back off, text messages apologizing, no communication for days and still, I am thinking maybe it will all work out. It's just that midwestern gal in me, trusting and taking comfort in a smile that it will all be all right.
AM I NUTS?!? Apparently, according to Jess and Allie.

There's this other man, yes I said man, because he is mature. I however, am not sharing his name, sorry. He calls me everyday, more than once a day, text messages me just because, invites me over just to cheer me up. And he is just a friend. I need to get my head examined. Seriously, what am I doing?? Besides hurting a lot of people, including myself.

I haven't gained anything from Sean, except confusion and pain. So I am ending that confusion and pain. Now, not later, now. October is going to be a VERY different month for me. September was trial and BIG error. No more of that.

On that note I have ot go watch the last Cubs game of the season, :( GO CUBS!!!

Thank you's
Thank you Jessica for letting me vent to you about Sean.
Thank you Allie for our visit, and for sharing with me what you know.
Thank you John for the Cubs tiks.
Thank you Brett and Chad for treating me like a princess at the game.
Thank you Brett for being my knight on a white horse.
Thank you God for opening my eyes.
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