Mar 20, 2009 21:17
Or else.
I've posted a story challenge at VAMB to resurrect poor old Janeway after she was unceremoniously and fatally slurped in the latest book (using the term "book" loosely). There aren't that many rules (other than Janeway be alive & kicking at the end of the story). If you feel inclined, I would encourage you to consider signing up for the challenge. The fact that I may be provided with extra reading material is just a happy coincidence. Really.
In other sucks. Like a Borg sucking floor. And apparently, that's lethal even if you're stroppy.
Oh, and if you want a cheap laugh. Run the LJ spill chucker over a post containing the word "Janeway" and for extra mirth, include a HTML non-breaking space somewhere as well.
I used to have a life, dammit!