Oct 06, 2008 20:19
They had only been home, been back in California for a few days, and Remy at least had slept a bit more than he would have liked. Jet lag wasn’t something he adjusted to well, and the city had physically and emotionally exhausted him anyway. Every time he tried to lie down with Ryan, in the park, on the beach, in bed, on the floor in the living room, he always ended up falling asleep on him. And he’d wake up after the sun was already setting, and he wondered if this was what it was going to be like. Feeling alone, wondering if Ryan was lonely. He hadn’t asked, yet. But he planned on making sure that Ryan would be calm, taken care of, hopefully happy in the week or two before Remy would return to him, beautiful and strong and ready to take on the entire world for the sake of them.
The fact remained that they had tonight, and the next day together, and Remy swore to himself that he was going to stay up for the next thirty-six hours. They were going to cuddle tonight, eat (Remy was going to help Ryan cook) and watch movies and hold each other and breathe together.
And Remy wanted to be on the beach when the sun rose, and when it set again at the end of the day. A full day in the sun, enjoying it, feeling the heat on his skin.
Remy was in the kitchen, poking around with a pot of coffee and trying to figure out what exactly he would, or rather could cook. He wasn’t really capable in the kitchen.
He wasn’t sure where Ryan was, so he ventured through the apartment, padding on bare feet, sipping at his coffee, clicking his ring against the mug thoughtfully.
“Baby? Where are you?”