(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 13:59

A- Age? 17 right now, 18 in February

C- Car of your dreams?
well i wouild like to have a bmw convertiable, but that will never happen unless i marry someone thats really really rich.. hahaha

D- Dads name?

E- Easiest person to make you laugh?
Maggie or Ginny
F- Food you eat most?
haha i eat all the time-anything really

G- Any encounter with ghosts?

H- Hungry?
nope-just ate

I- Interesting fact people don't know about you?
haha i d n

J- Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
haha yeah i have

K- Kissing with eyes open or closed?

L- Last time you did something "bad"
haha i d n

M- Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute?
haha why are there on the spot questions like this

N. Nicknames? Lis

O. outgoing or not?
pretty outgoing, although when you first meet me you probably coudnt tell cuz im shy, once im comfortable around yout though...i'll talk and i'm pretty fun to be around

P. Person you last talked to on the phone?
my mom

Q- Quote that you feel represents you right now?

R- What are you allergic to?
S- Song you last sang out loud?
I Know What I Want-Micheal Warren

T- Time you woke up?
6:30..school.. ughh

U- U like to sing soft or loud?
haha i sing in the car, but i'm terrible at it.. and it depends on the mood

V-Vegetable you hate most
W- What are you most afraid of?
clowns, spiders, roaches, being by myself at night

X- X-rated current love life?

Y- Yellowcard or Green Day?
Green Day

Z- Zodiac Sign?
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