Well, it's actions like
this that have made me decide I wouldn't give LJ's Moscow masters any more of my money for a paid account. I hate the ads and the attitude that my content is there to draw anyone to see those ads. I dislike the attitudes toward the producers of LJ's contents that they've displayed since Six Apart took over. And it just gets better worse with each new announcement they make. Not to mention the changes they sneak through without announcing them, hoping no one will notice and make a big stink.
So, now, anyone with an LJ account must specify whether they're male or female. I don't even want to touch the inherent prejudice towards anyone who doesn't fit into their binary gender picture. I want to mention that making women identify their sex sucks like a blackhole-sized Hoover. How many women list only their initials in the phone book to protect themselves? Get a man to record their answering machine message? Sure, LJ isn't going to make the genders public (they back tracked on that), but if the information is out there, someone can and will access and abuse it.
And it's all about targeting their ads. Screw it if they endanger anyone.
I realize, this isn't a big enough faux pas to trigger a real exodus from LJ, but I have five DW invites I'm happy to give out to anyone who has had enough.