11681 / 51000 words. 23% done!
Rodney and John exchange actual words!
At this rate I'll have the first draft done around August 12. Err, add another week to that for days lost to writing, and, still it looks like about August 20. That leaves plenty of time for beta reads, revising and polishing. No marathon writing this year.
Also, I'm counting on
dossier to beta this, but I wouldn't mind lining up my other beta early on. Anyone interested? I've got a couple of your in mind and no real shame. ETA: Two victims have volunteered. Thank you kindly. I think you're all wonderful, btw.
Just a thought in passing, because there's no real place for it this story, but a polo team is usually four people and women play along with men. Wouldn't Team Sheppard and Classic SG-1 both make smashing polo teams? I know it would be AU crack but someone write this, please.
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http://auburn.dreamwidth.org/211300.html. Please comment there using OpenID.