I just stirred my fingers to write emails to one representative and two Senators, expressing my objections to the
Copycrime Proposal. I am about as politically active as a sedated sloth, normally. But to me, this is outrageous and flat out stupid. As I pointed out in my email, proposing to imprison nonviolent 'offenders' when California and other states are presently looking to export prisoners to other states' prisons because of overcrowding (and pay through the nose to do so) is at the very least impractical and lacking in forethought. At present, convicted drunk drivers are regularly released from serving their time due to overcrowding and the need to actually have space for violent felons. That negates the punishment aspect of the law, indeed, shows it up for just another excuse to seize property. That's aside from my actual objection to the very idea of the whole thing anyway, but I figured pointing out that it would cost money would carry the most weight.
Those of you here in the States should acquaint yourselves with it and express your own rejection (provided that you do object and if you don't, consider a reality check in the near future).
EFF makes it easy,
Sweet hopping toads, now I have to make a politics tag. I'd say fuck me, but I'm pretty sure the government has that already taken care of.
How's that for objectionable content and linkage, LJ?
I shall now go eat cold pizza for lunch and contemplate the prospect of all the political junk mail I've just set myself up to receive. More reasons for my mail delivery persons to hate me, aside from my habit of not picking it up every day.
Crossposted to LJ, IJ, and GJ.