*Hugs fandom*

Aug 03, 2009 23:40

I still need to finish cleaning out my room for college. The stuff I want to keep that I can't take with me to the dorms will be boxed up and put in the attic. I'm not even done yet, and I already have way too much stuff in my 'keep' pile. Bah. (Mom says my furuba plushies should be discarded, but I'm standing strong on that one.)

I've been rereading Fruits Basket during all the packing. When I picked up my volume 2, the cover almost fell off. I had completely forgotten that it was the first manga that I'd ever owned. My mother got it for me the summer before 8th grade. Fond memories. *^^*

I've fallen in love with the characters all over again. Takaya is absolutely wonderful.

I have to say, some of the comments made by characters or mentioned in the narration at the beginning make a lot more sense. For example, one line that made me scratch my head st first was in volume 3, US version page 120. It's when Shigure is visiting Hatori a maid comes in to say that Akito is ready for his check up and Shigure says, "Yes sensei! Allow me to stand in for you!" Hatori goes all serious-chibi and says "I'd though you'd say that."

Knowing what we now know about the relationship between Shigure and Akito; I laughed really hard. My ribs kind of hurt for a few minutes.

My heart breaks for Rin every time. I had to read volume 14 over the course of a few days because it physically hurts to read. It's worth it for chapter 106. My stomach still gets butterflies with the line, "I'm home." *sob*

That said, I'm more satisfied with the end of the series than I was when the last chapter first came out. I'm not sure why. The anger with what Akito had done to Rin was still fresh for me, and I think I felt like she got off easy. This time around Akito's changes left a much better impression on me.

That said; Shigure still gives me shivers towards the end.

I've also been getting all caught up on my Doctor who/Torchwood.

Doctor Who:

The series three finale remains my favorite. The master is till my favorite villain.

The series four finale having EVERYONE was pretty epic, but the ending left a bad taste in my mouth. DONNA HAD JUST GROWN ON ME. WHAT IS THIS BULL $*#%?!?

I refuse to make any judgments on Matt Smith as eleven until I see him in action. (I am praying that the bow tie and tweed are not his all the time outfit.)


Haven't gotten through all of series two just yet. I just finished the wedding episode and I must say that Rhys kind of pwns. A lot.

Not liking the zombie!Owen plot much.

The sight of Spike from Buffy making out with Captain Jack makes me do this o_0 every time.

Mom and I watched Children of Earth together last weekend...



That is all I have to say about Children of Earth.

If I'm ever going to get back into a not crazy sleep cycle before school starts I should get to bed.

torchwood, school, furuba, doctor who

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