I am such a dork. XD

Jun 16, 2007 00:22


After watching Torchwood with Mom for the last week, I have come to the conclusion that Captain Jack is one of the COOLEST PEOPLE EVER! Right up there with Darth Vader and Dumbledore. The ending to the first season made me sqee inside. Okay, not so much on the inside... I did in fact jump up and down. Hush.

I saw season three of Doctor Who as well. Mixed feelings all around. I like Martha. I really do, but there's just this shadow over it for me. Maybe it's just because of Rose. No, it is because of Rose. I was afraid that they would just have him be completely over Rose one day. Thankfully they didn't go in that direction. Closure is most definitely needed though. I have faith that Martha will grow on me.

Mom got me more Star Wars fan books. *^^*

I have done so much babysitting lately. It's nice. The money is good, and the kids are sweet. I have another one tomorrow night actually. A three year old boy named Steven. HE'S SO CUTE!!!!

I realized the other day that since I'll be gone all July, I won't be in town for OotP or Deathly Hallows. T_T My family up their are all huge fans too, I'm sure they'll go with me to see the Movie and get the book. No midnight showings, or parties, but it'll still be the same movie and the same book. :-D

star wars, torchwood, cousins, doctor who

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