Karma has gotten a lot done lately.

Mar 20, 2007 18:46

As per usual, school is insane. School work is good. A lot of my friends are insane. You know, the usual.

Algebra 2 suddenly became very easy. I'm very suspicious. After that long period of rationals *twitch* I was expecting the next section to be harder. My good math Karma is kicking in.

There was another scandal today and once again our school was on the news. I hate how we get on the news for dark and twisty stuff, and never for the good things. Like we got 52 National Merit scholarship people this year. They suck. (The news people, not the scholarship people.)

I'm off Bronchitis Ban for wrestling practice! *Does happy dance.* I was starting to go a little nuts. I get that I was sick and I needed healing time and all, but just running circles on the track while the team was working really hard, was starting to get to me. Granted I had to beg Coach, and she had me swear that I would stop if I felt any wheezing, but that aside. *Does happy dance again.*

Calder broke his collar bone. All the fat jokes, and constant act of BEING A JERK, (Yes, he is worthy of Harry's caps lock of rage!) have come back on him. Or maybe he just shouldn't have been snowboarding. Either way, KARMA. All joking aside, I saw him today and he's fine, he just can't practice for a while.

Have you ever been determined to not like something, but it just sucks you in like a black hole. *Sigh* My Mom got some new DVD's over winter break for us to watch. One was the first season of Grey's Anatomy. *Facepalm.* I love it! Now I'm all obsessed, reading the fanfiction, and buying the episodes on itunes.

Has everyone seen the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer? Hopefully it'll be better than the last one, but it looks pretty cool.

ow, pirates of the caribbean, school, grey's anatomy, wrestling

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