I'm just in a cheerful mood today.

Dec 10, 2006 22:02

Ugh. Finals suck. Fighting with one of your best friends of one and a half years sucks. Fighting with parents sucks. a;lsdh;kljalksdjflkasjdflkajsd;klfjalksdmfklamdflkamsdflkmaioqwer

But life goes on. And you learn that the greatest friends you've ever had, is there for you when you need them most. *blows kisses*

And, to cheer everybody stuck in a trance of finals like me, I give you the single worst fanfiction in the history of fandom everywhere.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LOSING YOUR PARENTS AND THEN YOUR GODFATHER BECAUSE OF THE SAME DARK WIZARD! YOU THINK YOU KNOW BUT YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY!" Harry picked up the ancient table standing beside Dumbledore’s desk and hurled it out the nearest window. He couldn't stand it anymore, he just wanted it all to end. He grabbed the nearest object, a wizarding globe, and threw it at the wall. It smashed into a thousand pieces.

"Harry-" Dumbledore began, but didn't finish because Harry had just whipped out his wand and was pointing it at
him. Dumbledore cooly smiled as if it was a joke.

"I've had enough. I'm leaving," Harry said, his voice shaking with rage. He backed to the window and peered down at the water below. Taking one last look at the now shocked Dumbledore, he jumped.

The rest seemed to pass in slow motion. Harry could hear Dumbledore shouting after him. He could see Ron and Hermione, standing at the lake front, staring open mouthed up at his falling body. The rest of the student body pointed up at him waiting for his body to plunge into the eternal darkness of the water. But Harry's body skimmed the surface of the lake and then, in a true blaze of glory, he transformed into a magnificent phoenix. And some say, as he soared into the sun set, that he yelled "IT'S MY LIFE" before he retreated into the clouds to never return.

I die a little on the inside. And this just looked like fun.

Xmas Stocking

leave a gift for auburnmavenget your stocking

My last bit of news is that I AM EXEMPT FROM MY ALGEBRA 2 FINAL FOR HAVING A B+ AVERAGE!!!! *joy*

friends, harry potter, school

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