Alas, vacation ends.

Nov 26, 2006 21:27

I'm not sad or anything. I didn't get out much this vacation, but it was a good opportunity to unwind as much as possible before dead week (week before finals). So all that's left is a normal week, then dead week, then finals. This semester has gone by in a blur. I am so not looking forward to finals. But... here they come. *rolls up sleeves*

Pat got a job. He should have a lot less spare time, and a lot less bitterness. He's going to work nights and sleep all day, four days on, then four days off, from 7 PM to 7 AM, on contract until April. Yaye for Pat! It's a win-win thing. He's happy due to being employed, and I'm happy due to lack of a bored adult! Yaye!

I randomly got this letter from people offering to give a grant, a scholarship or a loan to pay for college! They said I was picked out of the kids in my area. I didn't sign up for anything. They said I have to do an interview on December 9th or 10th in order to qualify. I don't know much about it, but I think it's legitimate! I know Dad said that he would pay for my college, but with Sara and the unnamed wee-one on the way, he may not be able to if I get into a good school. Since it said to R.S.V.P., I asked Pat to call as soon as possible in the morning. I don't think he hates me so much that he would blow it off... I hope.

Whatever comes tomorrow, I'll deal with tomorrow. In the mean time, I sleep. *^^*

Edit- I forgot to mention. Guess what I found out about the boy? HE'S A HARMONIAN!!! (Yes, I believe this news is worth borrowing Harry's CAPS LOCK for.) For some reason this makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing. It just would not have ended well.

dad, school, mary, sara, pat

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