A few things...

Jul 24, 2006 17:49

I was looking at HBP paperback on the borders website to see if I could get it tommorrow while out with
ter369, and something jumped out at me.

Reading level: Ages 9-12

... what? The first three books sure, but HBP? The only 10 year old I know who read this book didn't understand most of it and had nightmares from
the cave scene, and the baby eater. But that's there call.

So out of curiosity I looked up the reading ages for GoF and OotP. They are the same. This... bothers me. It's not that I don't think kid's should read
the books at all, I just think they should be warned properly of the Death, Despair and Snoging, that's all. *shrugs*

Another thing that I've been thinking about today. I reread the interview J.K. Rowling did with Emerson from MuggleNet and Melissa from The Leaky Cauldron, and this made me jump;

MA: Does the gleam of triumph still have yet to make an appearance? (The gleam Dumbledore had in his eyes after Harry told him that
Voldemort had used his blood to return. {GoF, ch. 36, pg 696 paperback})

JKR: That's still enormously significant. And let's face it, I haven't told you that much is enormously significant, so you can let your
imaginations run free there.
ES: I think everybody realized it was significant when they read it but we didn't see it materialize in 5 or 6.
JKR: Well, it still is.
ES:We've been kind of waiting for the big revelation.

JKR: Absolutely, that's for seven. That's for seven.

This had me thinking all day. What did it mean?!?! Then, I came up with something. We know that Harry is sonnected to Voldemort through his scar, right? Well, that is a connection of the spirit, or soul. But, if Harry and Voldemort share blood, that is another connection, right? A connection of the body. So that means that Harry and Volemort were not conencted mre strongly than ever, by body and spirt alike. But why would this bring a gleam of  triumph? Then I relaised that with a connection like that, if one of them dies. Both of them will. Wich ties dirctly into another popular theory. That Harry will have to sacrfice himself to kill Voldemort.

I'm not saying this is solid proved or anything. I just think that is is very possible... What do you all think?

fandom, harry potter

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