Shigure appears to have a little influence on the Juunishi, any nickname he gives seems to stick. *grin*
Kisa must feel terribly helpless, to just wait out their while Hiro is with Akito. I'm sure they've heard about her change of behavior if Hau, Yuki, and Kyo have. But event hen, I'm sure there's this knowledge nagging at the back of her mind that generally, if a Juunishi tells Akito something she ("he" in her mind) doesn't want to hear, they get hurt. But, I'm happy that she's handleing herself so well.
Like I said in
f_ireworks's journal, I think Hiro is more worried about Kisa's saftey than his own. God Bless him. *^^*
I never thought I'd see Akito give positive criticism. But yaye! I've grown very fond of Akito. She's become so much more accepting of what is around her. (I won't pretend the whole STABBING thing didn't lose her ALOT of points in my book.)
After pondering on the 12 Juunishi gathering a little more, I got an image of Rin and Ritsu interacting. 8X I'm not going to think any more on that...
"I just remembered when hearing the idiot's idiot voice." Ah, this took me way back. To the days of seeing Kyo being thrown into a door a time or two. *^^* Mabye Haru is right, they've fought so much, that it's become their way of communicating. That ties in with the climactic events of chapter 123, doesn't it? *poders*
Arisa, Saki, you both have no shame whatsoever. Again, nice. I beleive
umadoshi said it best, : "Whoa, Kyon's a spazz. And the girls have no pity. *^^*"
That scene with Yuki/Machi really gets the fangirl adrenaline going, doesn't it? >.<
Even with the translation, Akito and Shigure still remain an enigma to me. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I still laugh into hysterics at Tohru's master escape. *^^*
I only have one issue with this chapter. In 105 Haru clearly states that if he sees Akito again, he will kill him, then himself. Now he is talking about the Juunishi gathering... So did he forgive Akito, or...? I haven't the foggiest. >.< I guess I'm just over looking something.
All in all. SQEEEEEE...*infinity*