Urg, I'm killing my brain in catching up with
mugglecast , a podcast Harry Potter discussion group. They are frigging hilarious.
Andrew: Next e-mail. Hi, I have a listener rebuttal to do with Episode 32. You were talking about the pronunciation of [pronounces as ka-noots] "knuts." I know the Scholastic site says it is [pronounces as ka-noots] "K'nuts." But when Jo was reading Half-Blood Prince in Edinburgh, she pronounced as "nuts," no "K."
I meant to get confirmation on this, but yeah, Jamie what's your take on it?
Jamie: I think [pronounces as ka-noots] "K'nuts" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life.
Andrew: [laughs] Me too.
Jamie: I can't believe after I read... So sorry now, after I listened to the Scholastic. I thought there had been some kind of error. [pronounces as ka-noots] "K'nuts," it doesn't sound right at all - "nuts" is clearly it. And Andrew, it's Edinburgh not "Edinburrr."
Andrew: Oh, sorry Jamie.
Jamie: Just wanted to point that out.
Ben: It's Edinburgh.
Jamie: It's okay. Don't worry, I completely forgive you.
Andrew: I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Eric: Greg asks a really cool, good question, which I kind of wanted to talk about too. Does JKR have anything to do with the games? Do the game producers say, "Hey, we want something like Flippendo. We want something to flip something around." And does she write them or what? What is it?
Ben: That is the most annoying spell ever in creation.
[Eric laughs]
Ben: Especially in the first game. "FLIPPENDO!"
Andrew: Flippendo! You...
Ben: [imitating the video game voice] FLIPPENDO!!!
Andrew: You had to use that spell every single time! It drove me nuts!
Ben: Yeah! [laughs]
Jamie: I hated the games.
Andrew: The games are weak. But you know what?
[Ben laughs]
Andrew: It's these game developers, who absolutely hate Harry Potter. So, they couldn't care less