Ok Lydia - This is creepy! I believe I have to give you a big "Good Call" on this one. I mean, we've been saying this for months...
You scored as Phoebe. You're Phoebe. You come across as a bit weird and ditzy but you're fun loving.
Which Friend are you?created with
QuizFarm.com On a more serious note, I hate car insurance. It is expensive and gay and those stupid people only want my money. Of course, I don't know why they want MY money...I mean, I don't have very much at all. And here's an interesting thought - Did ya'll know that you have to carry full coverage insurance on your car until your car is paid off? Hannah did not know this. Even after talking to three different insurance agencies and my mother (who was no help at all btw), I still did not learn of this till 11:00 last night when I was talking to Rod. Of course this was AFTER I got my insurance reinstated (for a 2nd time in 3 weeks) for only liability coverage because that is all I can afford.
All this car insurance mess has led to some intense thinking on my part (dangerous, I know). I think back to high school... Why did I have to take European History and Trig and all that other useless crap? I have not used and will not use any of those things ever again in my entire life. However, I would have like to have known some things before I was hung out to dry all on my own. For example, SOMEONE COULD HAVE EXPLAINED HOW CAR INSURANCE WORKS!!!!! Or even stuff like how to file your taxes or what all that malarkey is on your paycheck (or rather, what's not there) or how to shop for a car or how to file for a student loan... This is the stuff that real people need to know. Maybe I'm stupid, but I feel that I learned a lot of useless bologna instead of learning how to solve real life problems. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Or am I just a special kind of retarded?
BTW - What? Did you think I was going to forget to tell you? Of course not...ONLY 7 MORE DAYS!!!!!!!!!