Oct 23, 2007 09:25
It SNOWED last night, and the sky was clear and the stars were bright this morning when I drove the kids to school. I don't usually drive my kids to school, they take the bus, but this am T missed his bus, so I dove him to school, and because his school and M's school start at the same time I drove M to school as well. I am glad T missed his bus or I would not have seen the stars and bright and alluring as they were today.
This is the second morning in a row that I have thought to myself what a gloriously beautiful sunrise, yesterday it was almost a pink color, and today w/ all of the snow it's almost bluish outside. I can't wait till it gets cold enough out for the hoarfrost to be on every thing. I love it when I look outside and it looks like the whole world is covered in diamonds. I used to say that autumn was my favorite time of year, but now, I think its winter