Jan 05, 2005 19:30
I've been out since 1pm, I think I should get an award or something for being out in the daylight.
I had to go have a chat with my crazy counselor from my distance education school, emma accompanied me because not only are we married, but she is also my eternal slave.
The visit ended up turning my entire mood upside down, I hate school, I hate being near school kids and playgrounds, even thinking about school makes me sick.
So basically, my crazy counselor decided to let me know that I was an idiot(not exactly using that word, but something like that) and then we discussed what I wanted to do with my life, which is act and then she tells me that she thinks that there is basically no chance for me doing that because not only am I dumb but I also don't have that certain "spark" that every actor has according to her.
Thanks a lot, who ever decided to give you a job as a counselor should drop dead.
Afterwards, we went to a cemetery nearby, it was nice but very very cold, emma took some pictures.
Then the rest of the day consisted of strange bus routes, weird vegetarian tofu stuff that was probably laced with heroin, being incredibly cold and cursing the day I was born, and then finally something nice and familiar, in other words, chapters and starbucks.
Should I continue with school(which I most likely not end up finishing), or just quit school right now and get a job and maybe finish high school later on?
I really don't know, i'm at a point where I feel old and I don't know what to do with my life.