May 08, 2005 01:14
Well, tonight the show went pretty well! Not a huge crowd (@ all), but nonetheless, still fun! I found out that Friday i'm playin' Pinky, which only those of you in the show know who that is! I'm pretty excited cause that's a pretty cool part! You, know five entries ago, i said every show i did something new and odd, well i guess, for this show, not only is my new thing to play a drunk, but now it is to be a gentleman-caller! How exciting! DREAMS COME TRUE!! (except i didn't even know what a gentleman-caller was until this show!) But anyway, it'll be fun! So i've gotta spend a good bit of this week learning the lines! And, like i said, i'm gonna get some pictures of it up here as soon as i take them! As well as Seussical pics! But, until i stop procrastinating about it, if you want to see Seuss pics, go to Aimee's LJ...she's got some good ones! So, i think i'm gonna head to bed soon...Goodnight & pleasant dreams to all!!
-Mr. Mayor
P.S. To: Aimee, Daniel, Ali, Erin, Jude, Will, Hayley to come Monday, & all the rest that did and will audition for Pan....GREAT job & break a leg!!
RSQ: "Poor little Gertrude! A sorry sight! Well i'm gonna take you under my wing, and baby you'll be alright!"
-Anna Laura, Mayzie La Bird