Jun 09, 2005 14:49
So I've decided that I'm going to talk to my Mom about going to Hendrickson next year. That doesn't mean that I'm for sure leaving NYOS, I just want to see what my options are. Odds are good that I'll probably just stay at nyos, but I'm going to look into Hendrickson over summer and see what my mom thinks. It would just be a whole lot easier and closer to my house, and there are so many more opportunities at a bigger school. And to be honest, with all the seniors gone now and then all the other people who are talking about leaving I really don't see much of a reason to stay. There are still a couple people that I care about that I know will be staying like Claire, Daniel, Whitney, and a couple other people... but I just don't know if it's worth it. This last semester I really started to realize how much I dislike this school. And I don't see myself being happy there. But I'm going to talk to my Mom and see what she thinks... we'll see how it turns out:-/