Jul 27, 2003 20:57
OK.. I have blocked ALL annoyn Posters.. if you want to tlak to me, you talk as a user.. nothing less..
I talked to DD today.. all I wanted to know was why.. an exert formt he conversation follows...
ME: You said something that you felt with others was missing.
DD: I said it wasent there, If I had given it time it would have been,
ME: Then why didnt you give it time?
DD: I gave it two Months.
(talked some more)
DD: Well What if I was right, what if in 6 months..
ME: Yea, what if you were right, but what if you were wrong?
Dont (what if) with me.. If you want to know What IF you would have played it out.. What if the earth crashes intot he sun, What if im right tht I predict I'll win the lottery? If I dont buy a ticket I'll never know..
*sighs and shrugs* Ok enough venting.. fuming or what ever it is called.. Life is to short to get stressed out over it..
I wish DD all the best, and hope that he is happy, and that his decisions dont blow up in his face..
I have turned to computing heavly, as that was one of the few things that kepts me happy, DD was one but no longer.. so Im studying my programing again.. Not much else to do... Work, eat, study, sleep, Repeat.. Need to get into collage.. 38 grand ^O.O^ oh well.. maybe at 12 grand or less a year I can get a grant.. and a loan to help me out.. yea.. :) then I can take programing in collage..
Question.. Why is Linux Required in programing Collage? Not that I object.. but then your required to learn Visual Basic (microshaft), Visual C++ (more Microshaft), Java (not spasafically Micro but mainly Micro), Pascel (more fucking Micro) all these stupid microsoft languages, and Linux? ugh.. when will the world learn? Oh well..
I wont go into the plight of my trading of auto's as its stupid.. and Im sick of it...
I am going to try to open a preformance PC busness, (I.E. Falcon, Alienware ect..) and build Top End PC's for people and stuff.. think I could make some money If I do it right.. :) I hope so anyway
well that is all the news that is news..
The funny thing about Life.. Once said, Your words can never be eraced..
Aubri Roo, Out.