work, the bar, dc, shamrockfest, et al

Mar 13, 2007 02:28

ummm, when was the last update?
more importantly, what do i remember?
i think i worked a lot last week. i seem to recal the bar tuesday, then going out with myra wednesday where there were a ton of coke heads at le souk trying to pick us up while mehdi pretended he didn't care. then i worked at the bar on thursday, which was fun and good and good for tips. then friday i closed at starbucks, and got us out f the store by 1:20am, which was awesome because i caught the 1:30 bus to dc. it cost $35 one way, which is how much a chinatown bus costs, and $10 for a cab because we got there SO early. this was all ok tho, because i got to crawl into bed and have twitchy leg syndrome (i've been standing so much because of work my legs hurt and get all twitchy when i sit or lie down) next to a warm boy - which makes everything worthwhile.

we had breakfast with farner at silver diner, which was tastey and full of juke box joy, then we slowly made our way from mitre to the concert. there were stops at coffee shops and flower shops and whatnot.
we got to the shamrock fest about 3, just in time to see the bagpipers come marching through. it was wunnerful. i don't know what it is, but i loves the sound of bagpipes. i think maybe it's something built into the dna of irish and scottish folk.
a sea of green surrounded us, but we had fun wandering through the little fair and midway set up on one side, and checking out the bands playing on the 6 stages.
when the other kids (brock, kidder, dan lee, sharon, anna and many other folk who i don't know or remember) started showing up, we started trying to get everyone together in one place. it took about 2 hours to achieve, and lasted about 30 minutes. but by then i was in the mosh pit for jimmies chicken shack with kidder and schmitty and dan, so i was content.
then there was carbon leaf, who weren't so bad, but were really just the build up to FLOGGING MOLLY.
more flogging mollY! my life is full of them. i have seen them more than our lady peace (possibly because they never seem to stop touring)
the dc crowd was interesting. everyone seemed to feel priveleged, like they should be able to do whatever they wanted, but not have anyone do that to them. luckily fm stopped after their second song and were like "we're not going to start playing until those jerks in the mosh pit straighten up". which i approved of, because they were without ANY ettiquette and just mucking things up for no reason.
it was a lovely concert - a bit strange having schmitty there. we are both used to solo-ing it (not going with sig-o's) so it was weird to be worrying about someone else during the whole thing (different from how you worry about your friends. more akin to worrying about family). towards the end we both relaxed a bit, and i really got into the swing of the pit and just going nuts.
and then they played If I Ever Leave This World Alive, and i just about cried because there was no myra, no natabwie, no skes, no skaps, no jenna. i couldn't even be like "well, i have this with schmitty and the kids" because really that song will always belong to you guys. i mean, he didn't even know the words to the song, let alone how beautiful it is with the people you love.
so, big love to Skes, Skap, Jenna, Myra, and Natabwie <3

i was bruised beyond recognition after the show. broke my pinky toenail, twisted my right ankle, further destroyed my left foot, caused amazing feats of bruising all over my body. i got punched in the head and kicked in the neck. i was not feeling on top of the world, is what i'm saying. but that's not anything a long hot shower, snuggles and incredibly intense conversations with the boy you love can't fix.

waking up sunday was intensely painful. we'd lost an hour because of daylight savings. i found myself thinking of that mxkd cartoon about spinning in circles.
anyway, we got out of the house on time and got to the bus on time, and then we watched the bus pull away early because it was already full. that meant i was going to be an hour late for work.
schmitty played recovery for me while i grouched my way past the bus stations, and into fado for some fries and samiches. he paid, too, which makes him perfect.
antonio gave me a slap on the wrist for being late, and work went on as it did.
it's new and interesting. apparently there are many things they want me to be doing, but they're standing by to see if i do it on my own (how will i know to do it if they don't tell me?! i don't want to step on their toes, so i try not to push too much. whatever)
i find myself once again contemplating what i'm doing in ny, especially because my headshots seem like they're going to be indefinitely delayed. i just want to give up. i work so much, but not at anything i care about. i don't live near anyone i love, and i'm not even doing theatre.
so. i'm giving myself a new deadline. if i haven't found something by sept 1st, i'm moving. i don't care if it's home, onew orleans, dc, tenn, where ever. i'm not going to keep killing myself in nyc for no reason other than pride.
there we have it. i've got 6 months to get my shit together, or find a new path. a year wasted in ny is too much.

finally, i worked 4pm to 2am today. i am also working 4:45am to 11am. i'm not sleeping the 3 hours between (hence the posting now) which means i will have been awake for 24 hours by the time i get home, and will have worked for 16 of them. go me.

the only other thing in my life is planning for turkey. goodness am i looking forward to that.

acting, work, dan lee, brock, farner, bartending, dc, moving, schmitty, flogging molly, kidder

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