Dec 25, 2006 11:13
yes. i neglected to wish happy hannukah during hannukah, and i don't even know when kwanzaa is. so, ya'll get a merry christmas if you celebrate christmas, and a merry x-mas if you celebrate christmas but are persnickity about not wanting christ in your mas ;)
what i'm trying to say is, i love you.
even if you celebrated x-mas on the 24th (as europeans are wont to do) and i've totally missed it, especially if you're a european living in asia and i'm like, two days late.
or i'm just catching the tail end of the 25th and you're thinking "lame, aubri"
but the thought is there.
and the love was always there.
and i'm going to send this out in mass email form, so you may be reading this again :-D
*love, your slighlty loopy aubri*