thanks rafe
i read the nytimes, and cnn and msnbc and google and bbc and all that.
which means i skim till i find something worthwhile.
didn't read the article condemning venezuela to be antagonistic pricks, but i did enjoy reading full transcripts instead of abridged, biased versions. i remember when i was in highschool (and often in college) and i was too lazy to write a Full On report, so instead i would read thru mostly reputable resources and wait till i found Just the right quote to support my statement - regardless of it's actual intent (ie: your mom said "i'll kill you" from the quote "you can tell me 'i'll kill you' but i'll still turn my cheek and show you kindness")
tooth hurts. no where to live. miss my cat. mary pushed my bed up against the wall so i'll probably get bit to hell tonite. house is cold. headcold of doom. missed the boat with lulu today.
but. rene is coming monday, myra is wonderful, phil is a godsend, and my family is a rock of support.
also, my managers are working with me to get me promoted soon. that's good too.