May 27, 2006 13:19
i am in my bubble again. all the sadness and disconnect i felt coming back last year is gone. i know the bubble is not Mine anymore, but it is and will always be mine. the kids are new, but the bubble is the same.
plus, myrascappymoosetonynatablienatliztatejessetaylorrichbraithwaite love!!! yay! so much pretty love. i lvoe my pretty. and jesse nearly knocked me over with his hug. and tate is tate, but it was wunnerful seeing him, and taylor is sooooo different, and scappy is so skappertastic, and i'm just happy happy happy. happy happy happy.
happy aubri dance
i've been doing the happy aubri dance alot the past 12 hours.
we didn't sleep last night. myra was taking a bus out at 7am, so we stayed up till 5, going to various house parties of various kinda lame-age and went to the feve which was just So Feve-y, and being very old school in the hanging out wearing not much clothes or shoes and kinda drunk and talking about the most random shit while eating freezy pops and watching the beerfrisbee football happening on the street.
oh, oberlin. my sweet little home.
i am going to go watch an independent theatre/dance production jon levin is doing in the arb (he's the little dude who directed rhino my senior year) then gonna go protest the firing of jen and damen at warner (and hopefully see matt and paul while doing it), then i'm going to try to hunt down li and liu laoshi and give them their tea and huangjiu and then i'm going to usher for falsetto's so i can see tay perform.
ahhhhh, it feels good to be home :)