planning to shift to cyberjaya is probably the biggest mistake of my life. if it hadn't been for my mother and my course, i would've stayed in malacca. although i heard a lot of stories about how cyberjaya sucks and all that shizz, i'd still think that i'll survive there. but that's not the gist. the gist is that i've been having headaches about settling my room in cyberia, talking to my mother on the phone about it, how to shift my stuff, where to put my stuff, where to get boxes for my stuff- it's simply- GAHHHHHHHH. i hate to procrastinate. i really do. i hate myself for procrastinating a lot and when i mean a lot, i mean really, a lot. damn you
i better go take my bath now. dinner's in about 15 minutes. we don't know where we're eating at yet. ARGH. another brainstorm needed.
suffocate me please.