Thank you, bb! These are amazing! Um...I took the gas mask kissing one, which must be from an outtake? And a Walt one (HOW DO I NOT HAVE A WALT ICON?) where he sniffs the letter.
These are beautiful - there's mood and tone in such a little space! Marvelous!
I love that gas mask kissing pic! I think it turned up in one of those facebook albums at some point? I would KILL to know which actors are actually inside those mop suits!
Umm...Stupid EL JAY is telling me the pic is too big to use! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *Shakes fist ineffectually at sky.* How do I resize? I have no photoediting software - not even Paint. :(
Also, I too would kill to know who is necking in their gas masks. Because of the CUTE!
These are beautiful - there's mood and tone in such a little space! Marvelous!
Thanks bb! I'm so glad you found one to use :D
Also, I too would kill to know who is necking in their gas masks. Because of the CUTE!
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