Nov 02, 2006 22:26
Amanda came over.
I THOUGHT Cassie and Andrews party was that night. we got ALL READY!.
..and then Kevin called and said it was the night before
..but not to worry because they were asking if we could go to their other friends' party.
So, we wound up doing that.
It was pretty fun too.
Amanda and I were shitfaced.
..then she puked.
And I held her hair back, because that's what friends do.
[but I couldn't stop laughing at her]
Gina Ausen is really nice.
OH, The Whore showed up too.
[not the actual whore, but this other girl we've named that]
I guess I called her a whore to her face too, according to Kevin anyways.
We left at about 1130 so we could get AmandaBunny to bed.
Get up early-ish.
Get Jack in the Box for breakfast/lunch.
Lay around.
Amanda went home.
Kevin got home at like 930.
We watched the Flavor of Love Reunion show.
It was pretty funny.
Then we went to sleep.
Kevin and I just kind of hung out at the house all day.
We made lunch.
We napped.
Then we went to dinner at his dads house.
I got to see Jelly!
She makes me happy.
Shadow was being mean.
[she wasn't allowed to go out because I guess people skin black cats on Halloween]
[even though it was only monday]
Then we went home and went to bed..kind of.
Went to school.
Bette gave me a cupcake and some candy.
Then, we dropped off pants and a hat for Jelly and Jason at the Highschool.
Then we went to my moms.
Then we went to Los Dos Amigos.
Then we went to Amandas for a little bit.
She showed me her picture of corn.
We took her to the Asians house.
Then we went to the pet shop.
They still have the weiner dog.
It's adorable.
Kevin has a new friend there.
It's the cutest little pug.
Later that night we went and hung out with Cassie and Andrew.
We just hung out and ate pizza.
I handed out candy.
Girls are sluts.
Little kids are cute
[especially when they are 3 and dressed up like Batman.]
Then we went home because we were both really tired.
Did some homework.
Took a nap until 6.
Watched tv.
Kevin came home at 11 ish.
He brought me cramp medicine.
[kit kats and pepsi]
He's a cutie pie head.
Nothing really.
Another asshole text from Kyle.
Fuck Him.
At work with Kevin.
Need to finish homework.
Really Really Bored.