I figured I'd update anyway, getting myself ready for
Holidailies, which starts tomorrow - yay!
My time of the month has passed (finally) and my milk supply seems to have gone right back up. I'm relieved about that, a lot. I want to breast feed for at least a year. When I mentioned to Mom that I was concerned, she pointed out that I've given him a good base as it is. Which is true, but I've always assumed I'd just nurse for as long as he wanted. I'm so lucky that nursing has been easy for me - I don't even mind nursing in the middle of the night. Since he's still co-sleeping I don't even have to fully wake up.
I've pretty much decided that I'm going to wait to try and have another baby until Tai is more independent. Maybe when he's two or so I'll try again. I think it would be difficult for me to have two babies who can't talk yet. Wendy said that 3 is the optimal age for a sibling in terms of emotional development. Realistically that isn't very far off. And I really enjoy being able to give Tai all of my attention.
I think I've been imagining having another baby will be exactly like having Tai, but just with another baby. But I'm not going to be able to give the next baby my undivided attention. I will always have Tai as well. It's going to be a new adventure. Until then, I'm going to experience this as fully as I can. Tai is an amazing baby and I love watching him grow.