i watched alot of movies this weekend.

Feb 06, 2006 23:37

plus, i didn't go to work saturday. or sunday. or today. so my manager called me and said just not to even try to come to work. ^_^ i know i shouldn't smile, but i hated that job. for a while now. and EB Games is supposed to called sometime this week. so all will be fine in the land of Aubrey...i hope...


but enough of that kind of talk! movies man, movies!!

Corpse Bride: yes, i finally rented it. it was okay. i'm not gonna buy it or anything, but it was alright. i kept having mixed emotions through out the movie on who Jonny Depp's character should end up with. *shrug*

House of Flying Daggers: i really liked it. it kept supriseing me the whole time! the action! wow! i really liked how they ended it also. really made you think. that is why i love foreign films. they can be so abstract and let you come up with your own thoughts...speakig of foreign films...

3-Iron: wow. just wow. i have been wanting to see this movie for the longest time. and i finally found it. it was Spectacular! i love the way they told such a great story with so few words. no. really. the two main characters barely said three lines between each other. i have to buy this movie once i get some coin in my hands. i guess i just love Asian cinema most of all. but i also love Sci-Fi. like...

Serenity: watching this made me fall in love with it all over again. i had been putting off seeing it. 'cause what if it wasn't as good as the show, Firefly? i just couldn't deal with that. but they stayed true to the story, characters, ships, even just the flow and feel of it. greatness. Joss Whendon is my eternal hero. and something i thought was funny, i watched it with my friend from New York. he's still gettin' used to my okie accent, then he said, right in the middle, "hey! they all talk like you!" "what?" was all i could say. his awnser to that will always tickle me-"they use words like 'ain't' and use phrases i swear you have used! plus, they sound like hicks!" O.o ha-ha! there you have it! i'm a hick! woo-hooo!!

movies, real-life

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