who's going to protect my right to bear arms NOW?!

Apr 07, 2008 22:33

as none some of you may know, Charlton Heston died. DX this makes me really sad. for real. even more so that when The Joker Heath Ledger died. secret creepy fact about Aubrey: i had a crush on him. i'm like, the opposite of a pedophile! that seems even worse!! DX oh god, found it: Gernotophilia. Wikipedia FTW? i guess? aww man. i really am. i was thinking about my track record of the guys IRL & in fandom i have liked. alot are middle aged or older. X| let's move on. before i want to kill myself... also, i can't even legally own a gun. court order. i just wanted to use that subject line. :3

he will be missed! & Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!

okay icon meme from shadow_star415 & sarshin. woo!! ignore the fact it's a month over due.
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick three/five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

icons chosen by shadow_star415:

it's Aang as Kung Fu Action Jesus! if you frequent capslock_atla or know anything about Avatar the Abriged Series you'll get this. :) a side note, Kung Fu Action Jesus is the Jesus i have chosen to believe in. hey! you can't prove me wrong!!

XD yes! Leon FTW~! this is a reference to Kingdom Hearts II vs. Resident Evil 4. lol! the presidents daught's been kidnapped! it's up to us!!

both of you picked this icon!! sweet.

this on is also my life motto. some time's you just gotta DANCE!! XD & i do. any place any time. you can find a reason dance. word.

icons chosen by sarshin

ahh. my second oldest icon. :D i have had it since 2005 & i STILL have no idea of what is happening!! no one does! that's why it's so awesome.

this was funny even whe it was IN context. out of context just made it better/more versitle. also, lol GAY DESPERADO!! fun times are had by all.

true fact: i'm usually the shark. this one has oh so many uses. & lol it's a manatee hugging a shark. what's not to love?

:3 my newest. yes, it's saying Snake & Sponge Bob have things in common. thier love of playing in cardboard boxes. with help from thier IMAGINATIONS~!

i'm sure you're alittle happy id did cut it right? :D i have run out of things to say & there's a thunderstorm going on. have a great night!!

icon meme how i love thee, soylent green is actually pretty good, i should seek help...soon, charlton heston

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