it's 62 degrees (fahrenheit) in my office. :3

Jun 14, 2007 13:34

yes! after a WHOLE YEAR of bitching, moaning, complaining, getting so sick i almost PASSED OUT, & threating a medical lawsuit they finally fixed my AC in my office!! XD it's been a long hard road. but oh so worth it. ^___^ i mean this is OKLAHOMA. last year it was record heat! (100s & up!!) & even f it isn't it is still 90 everyday.

today's video clip is BlendTec & the Rake Handle! very awesome indeed. :D

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today at work i had to disassemble mine. D: why you ask? the wire in one side has very slowly coming out & poking the HELL out of me. not fun times at all. so i took the wire out of that side. but then had to do it on the other side as well. all you ladies know why. DX

hope everyone is having a good day! go check out capslock_dn!!!

that rake got pwned, ac, tmi, summer time (& the livings easy), video of the day

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