sorry. the reason being? my life sucks! :D as you can see by my icon *points* the Universe has made me it's bitch. D: alot has happened in the...five-ish days that i haven't updated.
1.) my power almost got cut off in my apartment!! but guess what? i had paid my bill but there was a system error that said i didn't. oh what joy that was!
2.) the toilet in my apartment broke. D: & the land lord didn't show up for three days!! wtf?! do you know how annoying it is to have to go at work or public? then at night go to a friends house? lame.
3.) i might be going to L.A. what's that you say? that's a positive? well yes. IF I GO. my friend Kat is going this summer to see her aunt & she asked if i wanted to go along. ummmm....YES!! away from OKlahoma? of course i'd say yes. the problem is, she has to ask her aunt if i can go. so i got all excited for nothing maybe.
4.) work has just plain blown here recently. just everything.
5.) ......i think that's it. for now anyway.
i thought i had something else to say but i guess i don't. so here is an 'I Love Lucy' parody or they're making fun of Barbie. i'm not sure. it's great crack either way!! i love you Japan!! XD
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