simultaneously, cool points go up & also my geek points...

Mar 20, 2007 11:59

& i'm back at work after a four day weekend. -_- but it was all kinds of awesome, for me. friday worked at Hot Topic sure i had to close with Gina but Bobby was there, too! & Gina called me a whore. but whatever! that is like the third person in a week to call me that. wtf, mate? how am i a whore? i'm not that's how!

but then Saturday i took a va-ca day & got myself a TATTOO!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD! here's where my cool points & geek points go up. i got a tattoo of the Triforce on my left forearm! XD it bleed a lot more than i thought it was going to. D: but it didn't really hurt all that much. just kinda annoying after a while. it only took about 20 minuets & cost $50. gave him $60 though. he was really nice & did great work.

afterwards i went out & got PLASTERED!! XD St. Patty's Day, FTW! that will also explain the post below this one. i was drunk & got a text from LJ. & that is what happened. XD i spent the night at my friend Katee's house but woke up at 7:30 a.m. what? yeah. i couldn't go back to sleep so i just went home. (after jumping over about seven people)

Sunday i did NOTHING!! XD! & it was awesome. & i got to watch 'The Riches' all the way through. Eddie Izzard is my God. for real.

crap my boss! finish later!

st. patrick's day, triforce, the riches, legend of zelda, tattoos

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